Alternative Dispute Resolution
Experienced Help from Family Law Attorneys in Fishers, IN
In family law matters, the courts often require parties to attend mediation. This is a process that allows parties to engage a neutral third-party neutral (often another family law attorney) to assist them in negotiating their divorce, modification or other family law matter prior to attending court.
If an agreement is reached in mediation, the parties involved can avoid going to court entirely. Generally in family law matters, parties are in separate rooms and the mediator will go back-and-forth between the two rooms until an agreement is reached, or until it is determined that an agreement will not be reached.
Our attorneys at Massillamany, Jeter & Carson LLP can you assist you during this process by advising you of your rights and the law. Generally speaking, this is something the mediator is unable to do as his/her role in the process must remain neutral. To learn more about how we can help with your case specifically, give us a call at (317) 434-1490, or fill out an online contact form here.
Arbitration: The Other Type of Alternative Dispute Resolution
Another type of alternative dispute resolution that is gaining popularity in family law matters is arbitration. Arbitration is a process that allows parties to select another individual to serve as their family law arbitrator. The parties confer jurisdiction of their contested matters to the family law arbitrator and, in an informal and private setting, present their arguments. Then, generally within 30 days, the arbitrator will issue a conclusion to the court. The court will then enter a judgment based upon the recommendations of the arbitrator.
Pros of the arbitration process include:
- You are able to select your arbitrator
- You can ensure your privacy is maintained
- You often save time in the process
A con of the arbitration process is that you must pay for the arbitrator and court reporter, which are costs you would not incur if you were to go to court.
Our family law lawyers at Massillamany, Jeter & Carson, LLP can help you determine if arbitration is a good form of alternative dispute resolution for your case. Contact us at (317) 434-1490 to learn more!