Criminal Defense for Promoting Prostitution
Dedicated Sex Crimes Lawyers Serving Clients in Fishers
Are you facing criminal charges for promoting prostitution in Indiana? Although this charge was once rare, it is now commonly applied to “pimps” and other people who use the services of prostitutes. From helping clients who were arrested for giving a prostitute a ride to a hotel to defending clients who were accused of promoting prostitution for writing online ads and reviews, our sex crime lawyers have taken on all types of cases involving prostitution charges, and we know which legal strategies produce the best results.
You can be charged with promoting prostitution if you:
- Threaten or force a person to engage in prostitution or give you profits from prostitution
- Knowingly profit from prostitution
- Knowingly advance prostitution acts
The following conduct can be considered promoting prostitution:
- Offering or arranging for a person to engage in prostitution
- Allowing a person to use or have control of space for the purpose of prostitution
- Receiving money or other property from a prostitute that was earned from prostitution work
- Directing a person to a location for the purpose of prostitution
What Are the Penalties for Promoting Prostitution?
If you are arrested for promoting prostitution, you face a Level 5 felony that is punishable by a prison sentence between one and six years, as well as a fine that can’t exceed $10,000.
Get Help from Our Sex Offense Lawyers in Fishers
At Massillamany Jeter & Carson LLP, we are dedicated to helping clients throughout Indiana defend their rights. No matter what prostitution charges you are dealing with, you have the right to seek help from a seasoned lawyer who can guide you through the legal process and look out for your best interests. Reach out to our legal team today to get started building your defense strategy.
To schedule your appointment with Massillamany Jeter & Carson LLP, call (317) 434-1490 today.