(Noblesville, Indiana) – Massillamany Jeter & Carson LLP partner Mario Massillamany announced today that the firm filed a defamation lawsuit on behalf of Hamilton County Chief Deputy Treasurer Kim Good. Good was accused by a former Treasurer’s Office employee Susan Byer of engaging in criminal conduct when she waived statutory fees on late tax payments on behalf of her family and friends. A special prosecutor was appointed and concluded that no criminal activity occurred. Moreover, internal office investigations revealed that such practice was common when payments were post-marked as of the due date and that nobody was given special treatment.
“Making false statements which suggest a public official engaged in criminal conduct, with malice towards that official, is defamation,” said firm partner Mario Massillamany. “Good people should not have their reputation ruined because of office gossip and politics,” Massillamany added. Good announced on January 6, 2020 that she would run for Hamilton County Treasurer in the May 2020 Republican primary.
Mario Massillamany believes that the accusations are politically motivated against Kim Good. With the Hamilton County Treasurer’s race in May, Byers was hoping to cast a cloud of impropriety over Good’s campaign. Thankfully, the special prosecutor was able to diligently investigate the baseless accusations and render a finding in Good’s favor. Mario Massillamany stated that the complaint had been filed in Hamilton County Superior Court 4.
Massillamany, Jeter & Carson, LLP is a full-service law firm based in Hamilton County but serving the entire State of Indiana. The firm focuses its practice in the areas of personal injury, criminal defense, corporate law, civil litigation, family law, estate planning and administration, appeals and government services. The Firm has offices in Fishers, Carmel, Noblesville, Plainfield, Greenwood, and Lawrence.